The Bruker QUANTAX EBSD (Electron Backscatter Diffraction) system is a state-of-the-art solution for advanced materials analysis. Featuring the popular OPTIMUS TKD detector head, it is the premier choice for analyzing nanomaterials in a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). This system combines high spatial resolution with efficient operation, making it an essential tool for researchers and professionals in materials science and engineering.
Features of the Bruker QUANTAX EBSD
OPTIMUS TKD Detector Head
- Provides unparalleled spatial resolution down to 1.5 nm, ideal for detailed analysis of nanomaterials.
Low Probe Currents
- Operates efficiently with low probe currents without compromising speed and data quality.
ARGUS Imaging System
- Equipped with the ARGUS imaging system for high contrast and low noise imaging, enhancing the quality of orientation and phase mapping in an SEM.
High-Resolution Imaging
- Ensures precise and reliable results for comprehensive electron backscatter diffraction analysis.
User-Friendly Software
- Seamlessly integrates with user-friendly software for easy operation and data analysis.
The Bruker QUANTAX EBSD system offers exceptional performance and reliability for comprehensive electron backscatter diffraction analysis. Its advanced technology, combined with innovative design features, ensures precise and dependable results. This makes it an essential tool for researchers and professionals in materials science and engineering
- Routine analysis of standard metal and alloy samples.
- In-depth examination of strain and deformation in materials.
- Effective characterization of complex or beam-sensitive samples.
- Optimized measurement of large samples.
- Transmission Kikuchi Diffraction (TKD) analysis of nanocrystalline materials.